steel on mobile



Need a hand to purchase steel?

Let's get started !

How it works

Fast and Easy credit in just few steps

step 1

Contact Us

Contact us via email or phone call to give us your requirements

step 2

Upload documents

Provide all the necessary documents either online or offline at our office by boking a time slot.

step 3

Verification & Approval

If you are eligible your limit will be approved soon.

step 4


You can purchase via sancioned limit.

user with speedy rocket

Eligibility and required documents

Minimum Turnover

₹ 3 crores

Minimum Vintage

3+ years

KYC Details

KYC details and last 6 month bank statement

GST Details

GSTR Details for current and Finacial details of previous 3 fiscal years

Still in doubt about the process?

Our experts are here to help you.